Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Tips on Giving Feedback to Employees

Tips on Giving Feedback to EmployeesTips on Giving Feedback to EmployeesGiving feedback to employees can be difficult. But the best creative leaders are adept at offering both praise and constructive criticism.While delivering criticism to your team members isnt always comfortable, it comes with the territory of managing people. The key is to make sure your comments are constructive, not corrosive. Thats a tricky task when emotions are running high and you already feel like your hair is on fire. Here are seven tips on giving feedback in a healthy way that motivates employees to improve.1. Strike a professional toneThere undoubtedly will be times when you experience a strong emotional response to an employee error. While its totally understandable that youd be upset if a team members carelessness or poor judgment damaged a client relationship, throwing a fit isnt going to remedy the situation. Check your temper and wait until youre calm enough to deliver more measured feedback. You ca nt expect employees to be open to criticism when you immediately put them on the defensive by blaming or shaming. And be sure to criticize in private, not point fingers in public.2. Emphasize facts not feelingsAddress the problem, not your frustrations. For example, if a graphic designer recently missed several deadlines, instead of barking, Im so sick of you blowing through my deadlines spell out exactly how the persons actions are negatively impacting the team. You might say, When youre slow to complete your portion of a project, everyone is affected because we all have to stay late to meet our obligation to the client. Then, offer some specific suggestions to help the individual solve the problem.3. Watch your wordsMost people know when theyve made a major mistake and dont need help feeling embarrassed. Choose your words carefully, avoiding any demoralizing statements that call into question the employees intelligence. Also, avoid subjective statements (Youre not showing enough d rive lately) and sweeping generalizations (You never contribute ideas during brainstorming sessions).SUBSCRIBE TO THE BLOG4. Be direct when giving feedbackSweeping problems under the rug is an easy way to avoid an awkward conversation. But withholding negative feedback does a disservice to underperforming employees because it deprives them of information they could use to improve. Aim to be kind but candid by saying what you mean in a tactful yet straightforward way. Just as you dont want to be overly harsh, you cant afford to sugarcoat either. Instead of vague, wishy-washy language (Youve been arriving a little bit late every day), be crystal clear when giving feedback Im concerned your chronic tardiness is starting to hurt your performance and reputation.5. Make it a two-way conversationKeep an open mind and give your creative team members an opportunity to explain their side of the story. Employees will often admit to shortcomings and ask for help - or explain legitimate extenua ting circumstances you werent aware of. You may even realize that a particular problem is a symptom of a larger underlying issue thats affecting other team members.6. Focus on the fixWhenever youre giving feedback, remember you have one end goal to make sure that the issue at hand is swiftly rectified. Whether you have to provide the employee with some additional training, offer more frequent direction or streamline a flawed system, do what you can to help the employee correct the problem quickly.7. Balance negative feedback with praiseKnowing how and when to provide criticism is an important managerial skill, but dont turn into a leader who comments only when employees slip up. Consistently offering kudos for jobs well done and recognizing improvements is an excellent way to boost morale and reinforce positive behavior.Giving feedback the wrong way can lead to retention problems. Read our tips on developing effective employee retention strategies.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

What is a Thesis Statement for Employment With Examples

What is a Thesis Statement for Employment With ExamplesWhat is a Thesis Statement for Employment With ExamplesA thesis votum, when used for job searching, is a brief description of yourself, your characteristics, and your skills.Its used to demonstrate your interest in a job and to show how you would benefit an organization. Should you have a thesis votum? And if so, how do you create one? Read on to learn what you need to know about writing your thesis statement for an employment search. Thesis statements should be short, no more than a sentence or two. They may be used in cover letters, referral letters, or other job search correspondence to present your qualifications and aptitude for a job. The first step to writing your thesis statement is to put some thought into what position you want to apply for, what you have to offer a company, and why an employer should want to hire you. How to Brainstorm What Belongs in Your Employment Thesis Statement Like anelevator pitch, coming u p with a thesis statement requires some introspection. It will likely take some time to craft the best possible encapsulation of what you want in a job, as well as what you can offer to a company. Here are some tips for developing a strong thesis statement Keep it shortAgain, as with an elevator pitch, a thesis statement should be brief. Aim for a sentence or a couple of sentences. If its a paragraph, your thesis statement is too long.And directIt should be easy to read your thesis statement, and understand your point. Use simple, clear language. Avoid overly complicated syntax and sentence structure. Hiring managers dont want to take the time to figure out what youre trying to say. This isnt the time to show off your knowledge of obscure words. Consider your skillsWhat makes you special as a candidate? What can you do well and what can you do well that others in your field do not necessarily have to offer? This is important information to convey. When you use your thesis statement , youll want to target this information to the job you are applying for. That is, you may have an IT certification and also be a strong presenter, but if youre applying for a job as a computer technician, the IT certification is the more important aspect to mention. Frame your skills as benefits to the companyOne goal of a thesis statement is to make it readily apparent to a hiring manager how hiring you will be beneficial to the company. You may need to do a little research on the company first. Developing a thesis statement is an excellent way to build confidence in your job search. You can use your thesis statement on your resume, in the objectives orsummary section. You can also use a thesis statement incover letters. In a cover letter, the thesis statement is part of why youre writing. So, place your thesis statement in the section about why youre writing the cover letter. For instance,Im writing to apply for the administrative assistant position at ABC company. My strong commu nication and organizational skills, as well as my ability to create order out of chaos, make me an excellent match for this position. In addition, having a solid thesis statement may make it easier for you to network with others, for example, at job fairs, because you wont have to think about what to say when someone asks what type of job you want to find. Essentially, your thesis statement and your elevator pitch can be similar to each other. More Thesis Statement Examples If youre not sure what to include in your thesis statement, take a look at these examples. You may use them to come up with something similar, just remember to tailor the statement to your specific situation My fascination with numbers combined with my strong accounting skills and mathematics minor would help me to make a solid contribution in this role.My ability to successfully implement current web design technology and develop and maintain sites for start-up IT companies would enable me to contribute to X YZ company.My full fluency in Spanish along with my strong absatzwirtschaft and communication skills would be an asset to your company.I have created sales strategies that have achieved 40% revenue growth per year. I am able to motivate sales forces and design incentive programs to achieve short and long-term sales goals.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Herbert Clark Hoover

Herbert Clark Hoover Herbert Clark Hoover Herbert Clark HooverHerbert Hoover welches the first president to have a telephone on his desk. Though it might be a stretch to call someone of his generation an early adopter, the Great Engineer, whose presidency fell prey to the Crash of 1929, successfully battled famine during two world wars using every tool at his disposal. Born on August 10, 1874, in West Branch, Iowa, Hoover lost his father at age six, and his mother, a Quaker minister, died three years later, but not before instilling within her son the Quaker values that would inform both his professional and political careers pacifism, a devotion to reason, charity, and service. Hoover went to live with relatives in Oregon and attended the Friends Pacific Academy. After graduation he worked at the Oregon Land Company and studied geschftliches miteinander at night. This early training later served Hoover well, once his interest in math and the urgings of a mining engineer, led him to Stanford University, where he juggled geology courses with summer stints working for the U.S. Geological Survey. He graduated with a degree in geology in 1895, and after mining jobs in California and New Mexico, went in 1897 to mine gold in West Australia for the British firm Bewick, Moreing Company. His engineering and technical problem-solving skills propelled him into management, and after three years he welches asked to take over the firms interests in China. Stopping home in the U.S. to marry his Stanford sweetheart, Lou Henry, Hoover and his wife set sail for China, where his mining expertise led to his promotion to junior partner. But it was the role he played during the Chinese Boxer Rebellion of 1900 that launched him into a philanthropic career that would be his most satisfying. When the uprising, an insurrection to cleanse China of all that was foreign, trapped the Hoovers and hundreds of other foreigners in Tianjin, Hoover ran the distribution of food and water as well a s the building of barricades. The siege lasted roughly two months until foreign relief forces arrived and the Hoovers escaped back to London. Hoover returned to Bewick and Moerinings and stayed there until 1908 when he formed his own engineering firm. The business flourished thanks to innovative extraction techniques used in the silver, lead, and zinc mines of New South Wales, Burma, and Russia. By the time World War I broke out, Hoovers net worth, estimated at $4 million, had him ready to give back. The opportunity to serve, core to his Quaker ideals, came in 1914, when World War I broke out and thousands of Americans were stranded in London. Tapped by the U.S. Embassy, Hoover organized food and shelter for the expats and loans to fund their trips home. The success of this effort won Hoover his next role, leading the relief effort mounted to feed the Belgians, who, while neutral in the conflict, were living under German occupation. Funded entirely by donations of over $1 billion, t he Commission for Relief of Belgium kept some 11 million people from starving, an accomplishment he termed, The greatest charity the world has ever seen. The Hoover Medal Once the U.S. entered the war, Hoover was deployed by President Woodrow Wilson to run the United States Food Administration. He initiated a food conservation campaign to convince Americans to do their part by rationing their bread and sugar. The food surplus fed the American armies and, after the war, was used by the Hoover-run American Relief Administration to feed people throughout Europeeven the Germans and Russian Bolsheviks. Twenty million people are starving. Whatever their politics, they shall be fed, he said of the controversial aid, espousing a Quaker social activism that earned him inclusion on The New York Times Ten Most Important Living Americans. Hoovers relief work on behalf of the Belgians and after the War also won him the inaugural Hoover Medal, funded by Conrad N. Lauer, to recognize outstanding c ivic or humanitarian service rendered by a member of the profession. A career in politics seemed inevitable, as the engineer-turned-global problem solver was next made Commerce Secretary by Warren G. Harding in 1920 and again by his successor Calvin Coolidge. But his focus on eliminating waste and inefficiency in business bore the mark of an engineer, particularly his push for standardization of consumer products from paper to nuts and bolts and window frames. His work to expand U.S. international tradeby opening Commerce Department offices abroadmade for a strong platform for his eventual 1928 presidential run. Hoover won, but sadly, the times and over-speculation in the stock marketfueled by ungoverned private banking practices he abhorredconspired against him. In October 1929 after his March inauguration, the stock market crashed, and, slow to provide federal aid to the millions Americans who lost their jobs and homes in the ensuing depression, Hoover was blamed, and a pall fell over his presidency that obscured his achievements. He is credited with the engineering of the Grand Coulee Dam and the San Francisco Bay Bridge as well as many other public works projects. Being the good Quaker, he strongly advocated for international disarmament, sought prison reform, and appointed two Quakers to run the Bureau of Indian Affairs, in part, to improve schools and health care. Still when Hoover ran for re-election against the Democrat Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1932, he lost in every state but six. Ironically, it took the guns of World War II to rehabilitate him. Once again he organized famine relief for Belgium, Holland, Finland, and Poland. And at President Harry S Trumans request, he created a massive food program that kept several hundred million Europeans from starving. Back in the political establishments good graces, Hoover was tasked in 1947 with reviewing federal government operations for inefficiencies and redundancy. Many of the Hoover Commissions 280 re commendations were taken, prompting President Eisenhower in 1953 to ask him to undertake an analysis of federal government policies. Hoover died on October 20, 1964, at 90, having summed up his service to the people of the world for half a century Being a politician is a poor profession. Being a public servant is a noble one. Marion Hart is an independent writer.Being a politician is a poor profession. Being a public servant is a noble one.President Herbert Hoover

Monday, December 16, 2019

4 Tips on Getting Consistent Performance From Employees

4 Tips on Getting Consistent Performance From Employees4 Tips on Getting Consistent Performance From EmployeesSome daysare awesome, and some are awful. Some employees regularly knock the ball out of the park and others are in a perpetual slump. What you need, as a manager are employees that deliver consistent, high-quality performance that you can count on receiving every day. Wouldnt this make your work days grand? Its a great thought and its unlikely to ever occur unless you get lucky every once in a while. While you can rarely have every day work out perfectly (after all, youre dealing with humans who get bad colds and who have fights with their family members), you can get more consistent performance if you plan and prepare well. In fact, the heart and soul of obtaining consistent performance from your employees are to institute procedures,provide training,grant permission to make decisions, andreward employees who consistently perform. Heres how to obtain consistent performance from employees. Emulate the Pharmacists With Consistent Procedures and Practices Pharmacists are famous for delivering quality care to every partie. If you come in on a Tuesday and speak to Pharmacist Jane, and then come back on Thursday and speak to Pharmacist John, both will know your condition, which medications youre on, and who your doctors are. Why? Because they document the heck out of everything. Pharmacies can provide consistent care because they have consistent record keeping, and all pharmacists can access everyone elses work. (Within the company, of course. Your CVS pharmacist cant look up what a Walgreens pharmacist wrote.) Most businesses dont deal with life and death the way a pharmacy does, but they can certainly benefit from the idea. Document and have consistent procedures. When do you call for help? When do you say yes? When do you say no? What is the standard of care for each project or procedure?When everyone on staff can accessthe necessary information, you ll find more consistent performance from employees. Train and Follow Up With a New Employee to Obtain Consistent Performance Many, many managers are completely swamped with work. So, when they hire a new employee, the training consists of Your desk is here, your computer login is this, and make sure not everyone in the department leaves for lunch at the saatkorn time. If you have any questions, let me know. And, the new person is left to figure out her job all by herself. Sometimes, the new employee jumps in and does a fantastic job. But, most of the time, aperson needs more training. Even if your new hire is beyond fabulous and does an amazing job with minimal support, the way in which she does the job will be different from how the previous employee performed the job. She will also perform the job differently than the other three people in the department. What happens when insufficient training is provided? Customers or clients (internal or external), get different answers and landsee different performances from different people. They are naturally going to prefer one person over the others. This then results in a lopsided workload for employees and unhappy clients when they dont get their preferred analyst. Instead, invest in training your new employees. This doesnt mean micro-managing. Consistency doesnt mean you must do everything identically it just means that the performance is consistent. The client shouldnt be able to easily tell who did the work. After youve trained the new employee, follow up. If your new employee has ideas about how to do the work differently then listen, and if its truly better, have the new person train her peers on how to do the new method. This training never really ends. Its not an all-consuming time suck, though. Its simply a regular follow up with employees, tweaking the process when necessary, and changing the process when an employee develops a better way to perform the tasks. Give Decision Making Authority to Emplo yees for Consistent Performance This may seem counter-intuitive to the idea of consistent performance. If you want consistency, then all line employees should do the same thing, in the same way, and any exception needs to go through a manager. You see this way of operating a lot in retail or call centers. The cashier isnt able to make a return you have to go to the service desk. The person who answers the phone at your cable company cant lower your costs, but her manager can. While this is standard, it can lead to inconsistent performance and unhappy customers. Why? Because the customers see the front line employees as the enemy that they have to get through to talk to the people who have the authority to solve their problem. People who are aggressive get better treatment than people who are nice (which encourages bad behavior). And everyone has to wait in line, or on hold while you wait for the one manager to make the decision. Instead, give your employees the authority to do almo st everything. You can set rules for returns and ask the employees to enforce them. If the employee tells a customer, no, then the manager should back the employee up, as long as the decision is within the written guidelines. The result is customers who receive consistent performance and treatment without waiting. Acting like a jerk doesnt improve the customers chances of getting their own way, and the employees feel empowered. Its a winning situation. Reward Performance Not Personality If you want consistent performance, give consistent praise. Make sure that you dont assign projects and praise based on how much you like the employee but on their performance. If Jane gets praised for so much as showing up, and John only gets a pat on the back for doing an outstanding job, you can bet that you wont get consistent performance out of your department. What you want is for everyone to do a great job all of the time, so you want to make sure you praise actual performance. You may lik e Jane better, but unless her performance is great, dont praise her. Hold employees to consistent standards and youll get consistent performance in return. Conclusion If you do these four activities well, youll see a more consistent performance from your employees. Consistent performance is a win for your customers, your employees, and your business. - Suzanne Lucas is a freelance journalist specializing in Human Resources. Suzannes work has been featured on notes publications including Forbes, CBS, Business Insider and Yahoo.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

11 Surprising Things Your Boss Wishes Youd Talk About

11 Surprising Things Your Boss Wishes Youd Talk About11 Surprising Things Your Boss Wishes Youd Talk AboutWhether its taking a sick day or dealing with a task you dont love, employees can be hesitant to discuss certain aspects of their job with their bosses.But thats often to your detriment. In fact, there are probably a lot of things you think are taboo, but that you really should be talking about with your boss.Need some proof? We spoke to 11 entrepreneurs from Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) to find out what they wish their team members would tell them, but typically dont.1. What You Really Enjoy DoingI wish my employees were more vocal about what they actually enjoy doing at the company as opposed to the usual vocalizing about what they dont like doing. Then I can ensure that those positive things continue as parte of their day-to-day in a proactive way. - Rameet Chawla, Fueled2. What You Find BoringI wish my employees would tell me what they find boring. I am always interested in how they think the workplace could be made more fun. Its not something many employees are comfortable talking about, but I encourage the discussion to build a better work environment. - Simon Casuto, eLearning Mind3. Your Ideas for AutomationNo one likes repetitive tasks, but most people dont even think of ways to automate certain processes to make themselves happier and more productive. Ive encouraged my team to actively brainstorm ways to make their jobs easier with technology so they can work smarter, not harder. This is a win-win for everyone when they recognize opportunities to streamline workflows. - Firas Kittaneh, Amerisleep4. Your Feedback and GoalsEmployees usually dont talk to me about the help they need to reach their goals and follow through on commitments. They probably dont because they believe theyre not living up to our expectations. As a company, we have a strong get it done mentality, which can intimidate some. - Mark Samuel, Fitmark5. Your Knowledge GapsEmploy ees tend to hide any knowledge gaps they have in fear they will appear incompetent to their employers. This is unfortunate because offering the opportunity to help employees learn and fill in these knowledge gaps is every employers responsibility. Not knowing what these gaps are prevents employers from helping employees grow, which causes undue stress and poor performance. - Phil Chen, Systems Watch6. What Youre ThinkingI wish my employees would talk to me more about questions or ideas they have. We have an open door policy, so I wish more employees would stop by and be candid, direct, and assertive with me about what theyre thinking. I think they dont because theyve been taught you should just conform and do what youre told. They might have it ingrained in their head to not ask questions or speak up. - Dan Price, Gravity Payments7. Your Issues With Other EmployeesIt can be difficult to create a culture of positivity and helpfulness while still remaining open to constructive feedbac k and grievances about other employees. I find that my team doesnt want to tattle and talk badly about others. While this is generally a good thing, it can be a challenge when youre trying to get a clear picture of an employees true performance within the team. - Laura Roeder, MeetEdgar.com8. How the Company Has Influenced Your Perspective on LifeI want my employees to share with me their thoughts on how the company changed their outlook on and approach toward life. I believe work should add meaning and value to your life, and understanding how my company accomplishes that for employees is extremely important. - Kevin Xu, Mebo zwischenstaatlich9. What Isnt WorkingIts really hard to get someone to tell you what doesnt work. But surely not everything is perfect Get people to tell you a few things that are wrong and make some effort to fix them so they know they can come to you with bigger things. - Jessica Richman, UBiome10. When Youre Taking Time OffI run my company mostly remotely. Im based in Denver, but I travel quite a bit, and a lot of my team members live in other cities. I find that in this situation, sometimes employees are timid to say when theyre traveling or working from another city. I dont know why this is perhaps its something thats been programmed in them from previous jobs. - Rob Fulton, Exponential Black11. Your Career ProgressionIm often surprised when employees dont ask about whats next when it comes to the progression of their career. Unfortunately, many get comfortable in the details of their current role and forget that its important to continually push forward. This is important for their own career advancement and helping the company grow to the next level. If employees remain stagnant, so will the company. - Brian Honigman, BrianHonigman.comPhoto of people talking courtesy of Shutterstock.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

The Birth of Objective of a Resume

The Birth of Objective of a Resume The 5-Minute Rule for Objective of a Resume Most resume writing advice will ingestalt you to concentrate on just what the employer requires in the perfect candidate. Possessing a very clear career objective reference in the resume will greatly enhance the end result of receiving an interview. Analyzing Your Resume Now that you comprehend the significance of objective, you want to be sure that your resume includes only objective statements. Writing a resume is not so difficult, but it does take some time and planning. Numerous job seekers incorporate work objective in there resume. When youre applying for work, you arent the only applicant with the best resume format out there. Whether youre searching for your very first job or your next one, you will need a resume that shows employers that youre a skilled professional. Therefore, it is sometimes a competitive job to apply for. Understanding Objective of a Resume Its possible to refer re sume objective samples on the web and can write the objective that may make an impression at a glance. So, writing an objective is vital and enhances your likelihood of selection. Perhaps the most important parte of your page is the resume objective. As a guideline, you dont need to use each and every bit of the formula for your resume objective. The Basic Principles of Objective of a Resume That You Can Learn From Beginning Today In the end, stating an objective is optional, but it might help convince employers that you understand what you need and know the business. Including a career objective statement will help to reflect the position youre applying for, the form of company you would like, the experience and qualification youve got and the value you may offer to the company at a glance. While each of the info may stay the exact same, you could substitute the form of position that youre searching for based on the organization youre applying with so your objective is a bit personalized while still staying non job-specific. At length, theres the matter of focus. Objective of a Resume Secrets The target of resume objective is to raise the opportunity of getting positive response from the possible employer. The aim is brief and to the point, providing the employer with information regarding your background and what sort of job that you want at a fast glance. The objective statement at the summit of your resume is one in case the initial impressions you make on potential employers. The primary aim of a resume would therefore be to select the candidate to the interview stage, in the full procedure for employment. Many manufacturing businesses produce assortments of articles and products for the customer-oriented sector. Routinely, the toughest part of requesting a career is creating an occupation interview. Sales position where my abilities and experience can effectively be utilized to raise sales revenue. You might need to relocate to a better job marketplace. Moreover, in addition, it tells how your skills make you a superb match for the vacancy. Everyone has desirable abilities and experiences to provide employers including you When youre crafting your resume objective, you should concentrate on particular abilities and experiences which are directly associated with the job. A very clear statement about how youll utilize your strongest relevant abilities and professional experiences to satisfy the specific role youre applying for 3.As soon as its very important to your resume to incorporate a very clear career goal, you dont need to convey it through an Objective section. You career objective should be quite simple and clear to read. Objective statements ought to be customized to reflect your distinctive skills. A potent internship resume objective is important to stand out as the ideal internship candidate. Resume Objective Resume objectives concentrate on your own personal interest for a jobseeker that tells what you want from the organization. So resume objectives will differ depending on the sector in which you are searching for employment. Resume objectives are from time to time taken lightly, but theyre an extremely important part of a resume. Resume objectives can be somewhat controversial. An objective needs to be personally-tailored to the employer. My purpose is to find the job. Your objective needs to be meaningful. It is to get a job. Objective of a Resume No Longer a Mystery One of the advantages of a healthier social networking presence is that theres never a deficiency of friends keen to correct even the most minor of grammar mistakes. By applying a number of simple marketing and advertising tricks, you are able to greatly improve your capacity to sell yourself and your abilities before you even meet with the interviewer. Simply adhere to the directions and suggestions, and youll learn precisely how to capture the attention of hiring managers. One of the greatest approaches to join the advertising stream is to market your own abilities and capabilities and that may be accomplished by preparing an impressive and effective resume. It is astonishing how many excellent managers out there may run a profitable restaurant operation inside and out, but they dont have any idea what things to write when it is time to shop for their next prospect. In order to raise your odds of getting hired, you should write it in a very clear and perfect way. Youll also require a familiarity with the fundamental tools employed by electricians like cable reels, wire cutters and stripping tools. For instance, if you try to apply for employment in a grocery store, you could write you want to be a cashier.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Spark Hire and BrightMove Video Interviewing Integration

Spark Hire and BrightMove Video Interviewing IntegrationWe are excited to announce our video interview integration with BrightMove, a leading dienst of on-demand recruiting software.Here at Spark Hire, were always looking to partner with companies that share the same passion we have for equipping recruitment teams with the best technology, says Josh Tolan, CEO of Spark Hire. Thats why it was a no-brainer to partner with BrightMove. Were extremely excited to make this announcement and launch the integration.With the integration, mutual customers can Invite candidates to conduct one-way and live video interviews from their BrightMove accountAccess and review completed video interviews via the candidates record in BrightMoveThe integration was built to help recruiters efficiently screen candidates within a user-friendly platform to help clients find the right talent. We highly value our customers feedback and input, especially when it comes to updating and enhancing our software, said D avid Webb, President at BrightMove. Simply put, our customers asked for video interviewing capabilities and we listened. Partnering with Spark Hire was the logical choice for us, as they share our passion for neuerung and commitment to customer success.If you are an existing customer looking to activate the integration, set up the integration with BrightMove, here.If youre interested in learning more about the Spark Hire and BrightMove integration, contact us today

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Mining Unique Traits for Your Resume

Mining Unique Traits for Yur ResumeMining Unique Traits for Your ResumeHeres how to discover your best traits and communicate them on a resume, even the most eccentric.Andrew Salsman has what he calls the uncanny - and many say stupid - ability to name every Academy Award Best Picture winner in less than a minute.We all have unique abilities. Maybe your best trait is your smooth voice, always soothing on a client call. Or maybe its the ability to translate complex technical concepts.The problem is these traits arent necessarily quantifiable, which can make their inclusion on a resume unintuitive. Whats worse, often were not even aware that our past employers have cherished these things or that our future managers might.Its time to cast the light of day on these hidden treasures. To find out how to mine your gems and how to communicate them on a resume, we turned to the career coaches/resume writers whose work it is to unearth their clients true worth and to package those subtle int angibles. We also checked in with people who found their own best skills and successfully wooed employers with them. Heres what they had to offer.Ask others what makes you uniqueJill Nussinow, MS, RD - aka The Veggie Queen - is a teacher and a food and nutrition strategist. At one point, someone was kind enough to pass along to her an exercise called Unique Ability, by Dan Sullivan, the co-founder and president of The Strategic Coach.The work entails sending a list of questions to about 10 people, asking for honest feedback. Preferably, ask a mix of friends, family and business associates.The questionsWhat am I doing when I shine the brightest?Where do you see my excellence combined with my passion?They might come up with a single unique ability or several there is no right answer, no right amount, Nussinow said. It can be a word or a phrase or a complete paragraph. I suggest if the feedback isnt given to you in writing, you write it down immediately.According to Sullivans para digm, the answers will fall into the following four categoriesLevel 4 What you are incompetent atLevel 3 What you are competent atLevel 2 What you are excellent at but your soul doesnt get fedLevel 1 What you excel at, combined with your passion, equals your unique abilitiesIn Nussinows case, almost everyone responded, and she found herself with a surprising list of special traits her respondents valued in her.Here are some of the traits they sent herGood listener, caring, makes you feel comfortableSharp wit, good memory, humorCreative spirit, funFully presentAnd heres the summation she distilled from the feedbackYou inspire excitement about fresh and healthy foods, communicate passionately and expertly about the joys of eating well, connecting your readers and listeners to the land, to the growers, and to the preparers of the foods they eat.She wound up using the information to help define and refine her business and the jobs she wanted to pursue.Follow yourself for a weekFor his p art, life/career coach Schuyler Manhattan simply observed himself closely for a week before uncovering his knack for eloquently wording his talents and skills. For example, in college, he was working a retail job. Heres how he described on his resume his decision to use two-way radios to send shoppers between fitting roomsDevising a new system for optimal communication between fitting rooms, resulting in unprecedented efficiency and consumer satisfaction.To uncover their own treasures, Manhattan advises clients to spend a week compiling a list, given that the things we do, even outside of work, are things that were good at, he said.For example, one of his clients noted her love of learning and reading. That indicated great research skills, Manhattan said. Another example Does your child ask you to read to her every night? Do friends call you to calm them down?Such things reflect a pattern You most likely have a soothing voice and the ability to bring calm to hectic situations, Manha ttan noted. Employers can certainly see the value in this, and all it takes is explicitly citing this talent with a notable achievement or project to add to a great resume.Gilding your resumeAnd lest we forget Andrew Salsman, the man who can recite all Academy Award Best Picture winners in less than a minute After months of sending his resume out without a single response, he included this unique ability. He was then contacted by three potential employers and hired by WRC-TV, the NBC television affiliate in Washington.During his interview, the berichterstattung director told him that the station had received hundreds of resumes. What made his stand out?In the news directors words It was the Oscar thing.

Friday, November 22, 2019

7 military principles you should apply to your business strategy

7 military principles you should apply to your business strategy7 military principles you should apply to your business strategyBusiness strategy is a powerful phrase. People like to use it to impress others, and audiences listen up when you talk about it. But its also one of the most overused and - in some cases - misused phrases.These days, I hear the term thrown around a lot. Businesses and so-called thought leaders talk about emerging trends in strategy with each passing year. But must these strategies change over time?There is a saying that 20% of businesses in every industry take in 80% of the earnings. I believe this is because they have a time-tested business strategy that encompasses each of the following basic principles, which are based on the ideas of the renowned Prussian military theorist Carl von Clausewitz and incorporated in the U.S. Army Field Manual of Military Operations.Clausewitz, a widely-renowned strategic theorist, believed that war and business shared a go od deal of similarities and that both involve a clash of interests. His insights and strategy not only significantly influence modern business, but also offer an opportunity for managers who want to improve their global business strategies.The Principle of ObjectiveEvery action must have a clearly defined and actionable goal. Thats the first principle of an effective strategy. Though it may sound obvious, I cannot stress the importance of being certain on what you have set out to accomplish - and how you plan on achieving it.Business owners who spend time defining clear objectives for their company and employees are usually the most profitable, and by a significant margin. These businesses carry out their operations in the most efficient and effective manner because each employee (no matter how many there may be) knows exactly what their role is, what they are expected to deliver, and by what time they need to do it.My companys vision is to build delightfully smart tools. Its an ob jective that trickles down to every single employee as a clearly defined statement of purpose.The Principle of OffensiveBusiness, like war, is an intense fight for survival - and survival requires you to be on the offensive. As a technology entrepreneur, I constantly make adjustments to thrive in todays economic climate.Challenging your competitors and winning battles is the only way to move up the ladder of success. Every market has challenges, and only by taking them head-on can you create your own space.History shows you dont win battles on the defensive. Rather, you need to identify your competitions strengths and, and more importantly, their weaknesses. Look for a chink in the armor that can be exploited. Instill a relentless attack mindset, continuously going on the offensive with new products, services and ways to reach your ideal prospect and communicate with them.The Principle of MassThe principle of mass is about concentrating your power at the right place and time Concen trate combat power at the decisive place and time.Applied to business, this means you should wait for that decisive moment before you seize the opportunity. And when that moment is upon you, only then should you concentrate all your resources to achieve the desired market position. This is often seen in practice by businesses that deal with seasonality, where major transactions are carried out over a small period of time requiring a massive allocation of resources.The Principle of ManeuverBusinesses need to remain flexible and have enough maneuverability to continue pursuing innovative and creative ways to better serve their customers. Despite all odds, and no matter what the competition does, businesses need to continue moving forward and always look for simpler, cheaper and faster ways to serve customers, increase sale and achieve higher returns on investment.The principle of maneuver requires you to use speed, surprise and economy of effort as the key elements with which to defea t your competition. If you dont move decisively, you stagnate. And when you stagnate, you risk going out of business. Maneuver is an act of initiative, resulting in long-term business gains and sustainable growth.The Principle of SurpriseThe most common and classic mistake that a business can make is to be predictable. This doesnt necessarily mean you need to introduce a brand-new product, but it can often be in the form of an improved and repositioned product that has been given a major overhaul.In order to stay ahead of the competition, businesses need to constantly strive towards developing a competitive advantage with products, marketing strategies, services, processes, sales strategies and by adopting new technology.The Principle of SecurityAs a business, you must protect your valuable assets and resources. Your competitors are always on the lookout for any vulnerabilities that you may offer, which they could exploit to gain an advantage.Social, mobile, and cloud technologies h ave grown integral to the functioning of most businesses, leading to higher levels of innovation and business transformations. Security should no longer be a deterrent to this momentum rather, its time for businesses to analyze and mitigate risks to acceptable levels while moving forward.The Principle of SimplicityIn the words of Karl von Clausewitz, Everything in war is simple, but the simplest thing is difficult. The difficulties accumulate and end by producing a kind of friction that is inconceivable unless one has experienced war.As a strategic leader, you need to make several decisions as you plan ahead. Whats important, however, is that these plans remain clear, succint and easy to understand if they are to be executed without issue.By taking these steps, you put yourself in the position to scale your company and maintain your advantage against changing markets and new competitors over time.Thisarticleoriginally appeared onBusiness Collective.BusinessCollective, launched in pa rtnership with Citi, is a virtual mentorship program powered by North Americas most ambitious young thought leaders, entrepreneurs, executives and small business owners.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Leading 4 Generations in the Workplace

Leading 4 Generations in the WorkplaceLeading 4 Generations in the WorkplaceGreat managers possess the ability to lead people from different backgrounds and unify them as a productive, effective team. However, this task may prove to be more challenging today as managers are supervising four distinct generations in the workplaceBaby boomers, born between 1946 and 1964Generation X, born between 1965 and 1977Generation Y, born between 1978 and 1989Generation Z, born between 1990 and 1999Although their work habits vary, workers within each of these four generations often share traits. Preferred leadership styles, according to research from Robert Half, is one example Many baby boomers are accustomed to a top-down, unilateral management style. Gen Xers typically prefer managers to act as coaches, guiding them toward better results. Generation Y often looks to a manager to be an experienced partner who will work with them to achieve a common goal, while Generation Z likes having a teacher who shows them how to accomplish goals themselves.Download Robert Halfs report, The Secrets to Hiring and Managing Gen Z, focused on this latest layer of the multigenerational team.There are also differences in how workers from each of these generations learn, communicate, make decisions, solve problems and receive feedback. As Haydn Shaw writes in his 2013 book, Sticking Points How to Get 4 Generations Working Together in the 12 Places They Come Apart, four generations can translate into a complicated workplace.The benefits of a multigenerational workforceManaging a department with just one or two consecutive generations working under the same roof might seem simpler. But it wouldnt be as useful as having the distinct perspectives of 20- to 60-year-olds around the same table. Having a multigenerational team is also beneficial for customer service. Because your clients are multigenerational, your finance and accounting staff should be, too. A company is enriched when its comprised o f team members with different perspectives, backgrounds and opinions.Building a team plan that works for every generationHow can managers effectively lead and motivate four distinct generations in the workplace? It takes more planning to bring together such a diverse group, but the effort is worthwhile.Here are four ways to foster a spirit of cooperation when you have a multigenerational workforce1. Institute mentoring and reverse mentoring programsKnowledge sharing is leid only a vital part of a business growth strategy, but it also helps with retention of younger staff. Eighteen- to 25-year-olds interviewed for the Generation Z report identified a managers mentoring ability as the second most popular trait in a leader. Gen Zers are eager to learn, receive feedback and move swiftly up the career ladder.And junior finance and accounting associates are not just trainees. They have much to offer an organization. Having grown up with tech tools in their hands from adolescence and earli er, they possess a unique understanding of cloud-based computing and social media. They also prefer to blend, rather than compartmentalize, their professional and personal lives. Reverse mentoring allows them to share their youthful knowledge, promotes different approaches to problem solving and encourages mutual respect in the workplace.2. Mix and match teamsIf all entry-level accountants only worked with other entry-level accountants, they would have a hard time gaining a wider perspective of the organization and benefiting from the experience of more senior employees.When possible, structure teams so theres a blend of generations, tenure and abilities. Meetings, forums and brainstorming sessions are also occasions where you can encourage intergenerational collaboration. When you create an environment where employees of different ages and experience levels can interact in formal and informal ways, you promote teamwork and deepen professional relationships.3. Foster a respectful en vironmentEach generation bears a bit of skepticism about working with colleagues older or younger than they are. The wider the generation gap, the greater the apprehension. The Generation Z study found that 21 percent of college-age respondents anticipated problems working with Gen Y, but that perception more than doubled to 45 percent when students were asked about working with baby boomers. The main concern is that older staff would treat them like kids and not take them seriously. Misunderstanding goes both ways, as workers in their 50s and 60s may feel as though theyre not as cool or clued in as recent graduates.As a manager of several generations in the workplace, its up to you to tischset a tone of mutual respect. When junior accounting employees make a good suggestion, encourage their contributions. If you hear disparaging remarks related to age or experience level, gently correct the offenders.4. Be flexible and openBaby boomers prefer their training in moderation, the Gener ation Z study reports, while Gen Zers expect it to be ongoing. Gen Xers like regular and frequent feedback, yet Gen Yers want it on demand. Whats a manager to do?The key to getting the best from all generations in the workplace is to adapt to your staffs preferences and requirements. Management requires embracing different approaches to training and development as well. Newer hires may expect a more hands-on relationship with continuous feedback, while established team members might bristle at that type of intensive approach.Institute a baseline of supervision, training and feedback, such as monthly operations meetings, quarterly training sessions and annual performance reviews. Then ramp up each element according to an individuals needs.Thinking about different generations in the workplace can help you adjust your management and communication style to bring out the best in each of your employees. When everyone feels like a valuable member of a team, regardless of their age or gener ation, your company will benefit from greater productivity, improved morale and lower turnover.