Monday, May 25, 2020

Realistic Ways To Speed Up Your Morning Routine

Realistic Ways To Speed Up Your Morning Routine We all tend to hit the snooze button a few more times than we should in the mornings, and by the time we’ve finished our routine, we’re often either in a massive rush to get out the door to avoid being late, or already running late. If you can simplify and shorten your morning routine, it can help you not only feel more organized and put together, along with being less stressed, but it can also help you generally be more productive throughout your day. With that being said, how do you know places where you can speed up your routine, without sacrificing? Below are some of the most straightforward and realistic ways to get ready faster in the morning, and pave the way for a more successful, less overwhelming day. Take a Shower At Night For most of us, taking a shower can end up being one of the most time-consuming aspects of our morning routine, and then there’s everything that comes once we turn the water off, like drying our hair. If you want to have more time to relax in the morning, shower in the evening. If you’re worried about your hairstyle going flat overnight, there are plenty of great hair products that will help you get that bounce and volume back, even if you blew your hair out the night before. Play Your Favorite Music There are a couple of valuable reasons to start playing music while you get ready in the morning. The first is that it can energize you and set the tone for your day. Also, if you have a morning playlist, it’s a fun way to track how long you’re spending getting ready. If you can limit each of your morning routine tasks to one song, you’ll be able to stay on track while enjoying yourself a bit more as you prepare for the day ahead. Limit Your Products If you have a ton of beauty, hair or skin care products, it can make it harder to get ready in the morning. Stash your supplies in a closet, and leave out only the essentials that you must absolutely have. This way, you won’t worry about indecisiveness or digging through tons of items to find what you’re looking for. Prep Your Meals Meal prep is a hot topic right now, and it’s growing in popularity. Essentially, when you prep your meals you’re making big batches ahead of time, which can help you stay healthier and resist temptation, and also save time throughout the week. Pick a day during your weekend where you can meal prep not just lunches that you can grab as you’re on the way out the door, but also breakfasts. You’ll get the double benefit of staying on track with your nutrition, and speed up the time it takes you to leave every morning. These are just a few of the first steps you can take toward a more efficient morning routine that don’t require you to sacrifice the things you want to do but still let you get out the door in a more timely way.

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