Monday, May 18, 2020

The 3 Best Ways to Find Jobs Online and Offline in 2020 - Career Sidekick

The 3 Best Ways to Find Jobs Online and Offline in 2020 - Career Sidekick The 3 Best Ways to Find Jobs Online and Offline in 2020 Applying for Jobs Networking / In this article Im going to walk you through the best ways to find jobs quickly and easily, without wasting time or having to submit tons of applications on job boards without hearing back.Well look at the 3 best ways to find jobs online and offline, and then Im going to give you a few extra tips to help make your job search easier.So if you cant find a job, or are just starting a job search and want to get hired quickly, youre in the right place.Lets get started.Method #1: Using Your Network to Find a JobIll start by saying I know not everyone has a strong network they can rely on. Its okay. But whoever you do know, you should talk to and utilize. And you should make new connections/relationships to make your job search easier as well.Rule 1: Tell EVERYONEThe first rule of job search networking: Tell people youre job hunting. Nobody can help you if you dont tell people.I once landed an interview at a top tech company in Boston by telling my haircutter I was job hunting.What happened? Earlier in the week, a hiring manager had come in and dropped off his business card in case the haircutter finds any recent graduates who are job hunting. I mentioned it, he gave me the card, and the rest is history.Rule 2: Always Try to Get Introduced to a CompanyAlso, think of anyone in your existing network (former coworkers, classmates, friends and family, etc.) who work at companies or have connections to companies you might want to work at.Approach them and ask if they know if the company is hiring. Explain why you thought the company would be a good fit and see if they have any ideas how you might be able to get in contact with them.Its best to ask casually like this, rather than directly asking for a big favor upfront unless youre very close with the person youre talking to (like a sibling, best friend, parent, etc.)Why Its Always Better to Get IntroducedAny time you can get introduced directly to a company or hiring manager, you will have a much higher chance of getting the interview. You might even skip the conversation with a recruiter or HR and go right in to meet the hiring manager.So always get introduced to a company if you can. This is faster and FAR more effective than applying online, or other cold approach methods.Thats why networking will always be one of the best ways to find jobs, and the first methods you should go to.Method #2: Apply Directly to Targeted CompaniesYou should spend a good portion of your time finding companies that fit what you want to be doing in your career, and apply directly via email or via their Careers page.This includes companies that are hiring, but also companies who are not hiring.Your odds of hearing back from a company that doesnt appear to be hiring are lower, but youll have virtually no competition if they do reply and show interest in your background.So aim for a mix, maybe 70% companies who are hiring, and 30% companies who dont appear to be hiring or dont have a job that fits your background listed on their site.Reasons Companies Might Interview You Even if a Job Wasnt PostedThey were planning on posting a relevant job soon, and you caught them at the right time (youd be amazed how much luck goes into a job search. This can absolutely happen)Theyre growing fast and want talented people in general. Many growth-stage companies are always looking for ambitious talent, and if you go out of your way to email them even when they dont have a job posted, youll definitely get their attention!What to Put in Your Email/ApplicationHowever you choose to apply to these companies, make sure to explain why they caught your eye in your cover letter or email.Saying I need a job isnt good enough. You need to show a company why you want THEIR job. So you need to show:Youve done your research and know something about themYou know what youre looking to do next in your career, and their company seems to fit thatSo make sure those two points are in your cover letters or e mails when you send your resume.Pro tip: This is VERY important when preparing for job interviews too. Always be able to explain what youre looking for and why you applied for their job. If not, you probably wont get hired.Also make sure to tailor your resume for each job. This will multiply the odds that you hear back, usually by 3-5x.If you follow these steps, do your research and dont rush, this method is one of the best ways to find a job online.Method #3: Rapid-Fire LinkedIn Job Search MethodWhile method #2 above requires careful research, and selectively picking companies to apply to, this method works by ramping up the number of applications you send out.This is one of my personal favorites and has been working very well for job seekers for the past two years. It remains one of the best ways to find jobs online, even if you dont have any network to rely on.The main goal with this method: Get your resume in front of a lot of companies so you can start having conversations FAST .And the best place to do that is LinkedIn.To see the how, go read this case study. Or heres the original video that started this whole method (its been viewed by over 125,000 people now):The general idea: You use LinkedIn to search for jobs by keyword, location, etc.And then you apply directly via LinkedIn, which eliminates the need for a cover letter, and saves you TONS of time because you dont need to create an login/password for different job portals, or fill out personal details like name and address, etc.You simply find jobs that might interest you, attach your resume and click send. You can do a very high volume of applications this way, and get job interviews scheduled relatively quickly.Dont only use this. But its one of the best ways to find jobs and get in front of more companies. And it can definitely get you hired.Those Are The Best Ways to Find Jobs, But What Order Should You Use Them?If I were starting a job search today Id aim for a 33% split between all methods, unl ess I had a very strong network. In that case, Id rely on my network almost entirely at the beginning.I recommend you start by going through your network, writing down a list of who you know, and contacting them.Id then spend at least half a day using Method #3 above. Try to apply to 25-35 companies in half a day).After this, spend a few days on Method #2, targeting specific companies youd like to work for.Going forward, keep splitting your time between methods 2 and 3, and remember to use your network whenever possible. A referral is almost always the best way to contact a company.A Couple More Hints for Finding a JobNow, I promised Id shared a few tips thatd help you in finding a job, so here a few resources from our website thatll help you further.First when you get interviews lined up, you should review and practice answering the common questions here. That link has a list of 128 questions you can expect to hear.Do *not* go in unprepared and waste all the hard work you put into applying for jobs. You want to get a job offer from every interview you can!Next, Id recommend making sure youre timing your job search correctly, so here are the two best and worst times to look for jobs.Now, you cant always control when you need to job hunt. But its helpful to know whether youre in a fast or slow time of year so you can adjust your strategy.And finally- remember, you only need one job offer. Youre one interview away, so dont get discouraged.Always remember that, and good luck!

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